The Student Success and Advising Center exists to optimize every student’s opportunity for success through a personalized approach. The staff of the SSAC aids students as they navigate the curriculum and many opportunities available to them through the College of Family and Consumer Sciences and the University of Georgia.

Academic Advising
You must meet with an academic advisor every semester before registering for classes.

Check back periodically for updates related to UGA Commencement and FACS Convocation.

Student Organizations
Student organizations help you to learn more about the professions related to your major and to build new relationships.

Experiential Learning
Experiential learning gives you hands-on opportunities to connect your academic foundations to the world beyond the classroom.

Scholarships are gift aid, meaning you do not have to repay them. As a FACS major, you have access to exclusive FACS scholarships.

Study Away
You'll acquire skills that will enhance your resume, better prepare you for the future, and complete your experiential learning requirement.