Collections Assessment
In February 2020, we brought in national experts to determine which objects align with our updated mission and serve the goal of active learning. The assessment also provided us with information on how to best use our artifacts and ways to grow and adjust the collection.

Our digitization project has helped us preserve and provide better access to the collection for research and education, as well as serve the interinstitutional goal of creating national standards in metadata and photography for collections.

We are currently working on overhauling our database so that we can improve our metadata, add more photos, and implement better organization in order to provide easier access for the UGA community and beyond.

After deaccessioning a large number of objects in 2020, there were many nearly empty boxes and oversized boxes taking up extra space in the Special Collection Library vault. To free up limited space, items will be rehoused by SCL intern, Ana Ortiz, to maximize box storage.